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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Adab kepada Sang Pencipta

Sekedar meneruskan ucapan seorang 'ulama' yakni Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani, dalam "Mercy Oceans' Hidden Treasures."
"If a person is expecting any reward for his devotions, it means that he sees his own actions as being good enough and worthy of reward from Allah. Whosoever thinks that his actions or worship are suitable for the Divine Presence has no knowledge of absolute truth (haqiqa) and its secret knowledge. therefore you may see them worshipping enthusiastically, pushed on to ever more devotions just because they are thinking , 'These are good actions and I shall reap my reward for them', but it never occurs to them that those actions aren´t suitable for the Divine Presence.

You must be careful not to misunderstand me, nor to turn the intended meaning upside down; no doubt as a result of what we are saying here, some people will accuse us of discouraging from worship –far from it, Allah is my witness! We are never discouraging anyone from worship, we are only teaching people the highest good manners (adab) with their Lord, and that adab is, not to be contended with the amount of your worship while you effectively destroy its merits with your pride and with your thinking that it will be the first class in the Divine Presence; it is better to present your worship to your Lord saying, 'Oh my Lord, I am ashamed to send this before your Divine Presence. Forgive me my shortcomings and inability to worship or thank You as You deserve to be worshipped and thanked'.

I heard of one great saint who, every time he came to the mosque to pray with the congregation, would wait until everyone had entered, and only then enter the mosque himself, standing next to the shoe-rack and praying there. Then, as soon as the prayer was finished, he would run out of the mosque saying, 'Praised be the Lord, for He has covered for me the badness of my condition so that no one could detect it. If those people were to know what I am really like inside, they would chase me out of the mosque, throwing their shoes at me and beating me with them'."



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