By: Dr. phil. Asfa Widiyanto, M.A.
1. High motivation
German proverb: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt (Hope dies last)
Smartness+high motivation: huge success
Smartness+low motivation: small success
2. Work ethic
Wa an laysa li al-insan illa ma sa’a wa anna sa’yahu sawfa yura.
Qul i’malu fa-sayara-llah ‘amalakum wa-rasuluh wa-l-mu’minun.
Muhammad Iqbal: Fi al-gharb ra’aytu al-Islam duna al-muslimin.
Working hours for academics:
a. Germany: 08.00-18.00
b. UK: 08.00-17.00
c. Japan and South Korea: 08.00-21.00
3. Proficiency in foreign languages
Die Grenzen meiner Sprache bedeuten die Grenzen meiner Welt (the limits of my language are the limit of my world) (Austrian Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein)
a. Arabic
b. English
The structure of language is parallel with the structure of the mind.
Knowing more languages provides us more opportunities to approach a certain phenomenon from varied angles. The capital: thinking more effectively and more comprehensively.
4. Appreciating and valuing diversity
MAKN is a miniature of Indonesian Islam, a market of Islamic ideas.
Fiqh al-tasamuh (understanding the tolerance), fiqh al-ikhtilaf (understanding the difference)
MAKN student is ideally: (a) independent in choosing and or elaborating his/her own Islamic religiosity and (b) tolerant towards the diversities that he/she may find in the society.
5. Proficiency in classical Islamic sciences
The subjects of Islamic sciences:
a. Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) according to four major Islamic schools (al-madhahib al-arba’ah)
b. Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence)
c. Balaghah
d. ‘Ilm al-Kalam
e. al-Tafsir wa ‘Ulumuh
f. al-Hadith wa Ulumuh
Note: the proficiency of MAKN students in Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh is comparable to Masters students at Shariah Faculty
6. Proficiency in modern scholarship
a. Discussion with teachers
b. Discussion with his/her colleagues
c. Academic forums beyond MAKN
d. Reading literature
7. Creativity and readiness for new challenges
Education: a process of qualifying oneself for things better.
Creativity: courage to be different for things better.
New things are not perceived as threats but rather as challenges.
8. Readiness to pursue further study at the university
Proverb: safir tajid ‘iwadan ‘an man tarakta
Knowing other cultures opens our horizon
(written by Asfa Widiyanto)
(written by Asfa Widiyanto)